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ALCE - Appetite for Learning Comes with Eating


ALCE is an exciting new European project that delivers a culinary training programme for women across Merseyside UK, Italy, Austria, France and Lithuania.

Nicola Daley, Chief Executive of MEH said: "We're absolutely delighted to be a part of this European project which will bring women from all communities together to showcase their food traditions and heritage. Food is an important part of cultural identity and a great way to promote social inclusion and community cohesion and by harnessing this we're enabling women from across the Europe to engage with one another, whilst developing key skills and competencies"


The project led by Merseyside Expanding Horizons (MEH) targets local women over 60 years old and young BME women between 18 and 40 years old and facilitates non formal learning through food to help break down social isolation by encouraging intercultural and intergenerational dialogue within a European community of women.


Training activities will take place over 6 months at the Joseph Lappin Centre, Old Swan Liverpool and at the Can Cook studio, Garston Liverpool for the cooking activities.  The sessions allow participants to explore and exchange traditional recipes and natural curative remedies from different cultures. There'll also be opportunities for the women to lead local cultural events and share learning with women from the other partner countries during European events.

The training activities will also involve European Youth Worker Irene La Pera from Palermo Italy is is working at MEH for 6 months under the Youth in Action 4.3 project 'YALIM - Youth Active Learning in Moving' and will work with the UK ALCE trainer to support the facilitation of the training course.

A book showcasing recipes and remedies from each country will be produced in celebration of the project and a training manual on innovative approaches to stimulate inter-generational and intercultural learning will also be developed.


The project involves five partners: the coordinating organisation CESIE – Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo (Italy), MEH- Merseyside Expanding Horizons (UK), VM-Verein Multikulturell (Austria), Elan Interculturel (France) and SIC- Seniors Initiative Center (Lithuania).


For further information on ALCE project visit the website

or contact Rosina Ndukwe

Merseyside Expanding Horizons 

Tel: 0151 330 0552

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